One Million Decisions for Christ

Hi friends and followers. It's Roman and I'd like to share my vision with you. I'm a missionary evangelist and by the end of the decade, I'm believing God for 1,000,000 decisions for Christ through our ministry. That's a big number, so that's why we're working hard towards the goal.

Recently I've been traveling much not because traveling is my hobby, to meet new people, or experience different cultures. I have been to many countries because my heart yearns for the salvation of souls.

God's heartbeat is "souls, souls, souls..." and He desires to find the lost. His desire is our mission, and we will do everything in our ability to make it happen.

Now let me share my itinerary with you. This December I'll be on a mission trip to Mexico with my church. Next, in January I'll be flying to Rwanda, Africa to conduct youth crusades with Christ for all Nations. We believe collaboratively 500,000 children and teenagers will make a decision for Christ. Then, if God wills, I'll be part of a crusade, which is still in plans, in another country.

Jesus saved me from sin and filled me with His love. I want the world to experience the same. I am telling you this because I am passionate for Christ, and driven towards one purpose, for "all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:4). I am determined to fulfill the great commission of Jesus! Would you like to be a part of the journey? You can pray for our ministry, join the team with your gifts and talents, or give financially. Whichever you decide I bless you and will keep you updated through social media and direct communication. Let's take territory for Jesus!

Roman Nechay

Evangelist trained by Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations.


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