7 Perks of a Fulltime Missionary

Many believers have wondered what it’s like to travel outside the country to serve God. Here are seven perks of a full-time missionary. 

  1. Travel the world
    Just last year I served in 13 countries. Each one is vastly different from the next. From the vibrant landscapes of India to the historic streets of Bayreuth, Germany. All are wonderful to experience in their unique way.

  2. Meet new people
    Since 2021 I have spoken to over 300,000 individuals about Christ. All of them have a special story. A missionary gets to meet new people constantly. Even if you’re shy, you can still make someone’s day by just visiting their country, shaking a hand, or simply sending a smile.

  3. Experience new culture
    The delicious foods I’ve eaten, the vehicles I’ve driven, and the warm greetings I felt, it’s all part of the fabulous experience of being on missions. 

  4. Learn discipline
    I used to be lazy and spent most of my days sleeping until noon. Not on missions. Often I’d get up before sunrise, and discipline myself to hit the bed at 8 pm. Nothing is more important than developing responsibility and taking action.

  5. Lead teams
    Jesus had a family, a team of disciples. We cannot do life alone. The more I spent overseas, the more I learned we must work together to accomplish God’s purpose on this earth. Serving with others has its challenges, but the end is always rewarding.

  6. Create lasting memories
    I keep repeating stories from my trips to Africa. How I slept in a shed, and I had to wait 3 hours every morning for breakfast to be ready. My friends love hearing about these experiences. And it motivates me to go back to revisit the new believers.

  7. Lead people to Jesus
    The greatest reward is to see sinners saved. The individual’s lives are transformed, and they become children of God. Sharing about Jesus is my favorite part of being a missionary evangelist.

There’s a cost to follow Jesus, but also it’s full of joy. I hope one day you’ll experience one or all of these benefits as you follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. Subscribe and share this video so you can one day experience missions yourself.

Roman Nechay

Evangelist trained by Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations.


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