7 Steps on How to Become a Missionary
Uganda mission trip 2018
Have you ever thought about being a missionary? There are a few steps in every missionary's life that they must go through in order to succeed in the work God has called them to. The steps are simple, practical, and are an essential part of being a missionary well-rounded in all areas.
Iād like to mention that I am not an expert missionary, I am just someone who went on a few missionary trips in my life, and I would just love to guide you in taking the first steps of the faith in your journey with God. I hope this will impact you to go on your first mission trip, or if have been going, to carry these insights with you as you travel the world preaching Christ.
1. Faith
The first essential step is to take a step of faith. Another way to spell "faith" is "R-I-S-K." Risking is part of taking a step of faith in your journey with the Holy Spirit.
I remember as I stumbled upon a picture of Bangladesh compared to Russia or Facebook. The image made me stop and think. It showed the small country of Bangladesh, and it had a bigger population than all of Russia. I was shocked to find this out! I did my research and it turned out that less than 1% of the population in Bangladesh is Christian. Suddenly I had a desire to preach the gospel there.
Next, I talked to my pastor, and he connected me with a missionary who did work in Bangladesh. The next thing you know I was on an airplane to Bangladesh to preach the gospel. I spent 3 weeks in the country and it was a blessed time. I took the step of faith to go to a country that was desperate for Jesus.
Ask the Holy Spirit where He is leading. Then simply obey. There's nothing greater than obeying the Lord when he gives us a word from heaven.
2. Finances
The practical aspect of missionary work is money. We all need money for travel, accommodation, and food. I also like to donate some money to the country we visit.
We have two types of people, that only focus on money, and those who think money isn't necessary and that "God will provide." God will provide when we trust in Him, but we also must be wise with our finances.
Putting finances in the first place is also wrong because money does not equip us with vision, fuel our passion. It does not replace the Holy Sprit. Money is simply the means to fund the mission trip. Let money not trip you, but let it be a tool the Lord gives you.
Start fundraising for the next trip you are going to. A good vision and a trustworthy personality will be a huge bonus to your fundraising. Be ready to share your vision with everyone you meet, and present your vision to your pastor, family, and friends. You never know who will support your next evangelistic campaign.
3. Leading of the Holy Spirit
Have you taken some time with the Holy Spirit? Get to know His heart and which country, city, or location He is sending you to. Remember Apostle Paul? He desired to go to Asia but the Holy Spirit didn't allow it until the time was right. "They were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia (Acts 16:16). Paul ended up going later when the Holy Spirit allowed it. Plan wisely with the Holy Spirit where He is sending you.
Marilyn Hickey is a big inspiration to me, and the fact that she is a 90-year-old woman having gospel crusades all over the world amazes me. In her testimony, she mentioned how she was praying for Pakistan, a Muslim nation to be saved. Sometimes later the Holy Spirit sent her there to hold a gospel crusade. One of the men who was saved at her meeting became the "Billy Graham" of that nation and started to hold his own meetings preaching the gospel. She was obedient to the Holy Ghost.
Then the next time she visited her life was in danger by suicide bombers promising to kill her, but she prayed and put her trust in God. The meetings went well, and God protected her on all sides. Not one man laid a finger on her. Until this day she is preaching the good news of Jesus, and often in Muslim countries.
4. Obedience
Obedience is key to having a successful ministry and missionary life. I touched on this in the previous point, but we should have an ear to hear the Lord. If the Lord tells us to do something it is NOW. Don't linger and wait for confirmations. Remember, your life belongs to Jesus and not to yourself. You surrendered to Him, so He is in control of where you go, what you say, and what you do.
You may be looking for finances, but if God promised then He provides the means for His word. Now go and do as your told, for the Master will provide for you.
5. Sacrifice
A missionary lifestyle is not for you to travel just to get out of the house, you are in God's calling, and the Lord sent you to accomplish His will. There will be time to relax and to have fun, but our primary focus is to accomplish the will of God. When you lay down your life for Jesus, I promise you that it'll be worth it. It may be tough, but you'll have such satisfaction that you will experience nowhere else. Being perfectly in God's will is where I want to spend my life because I understand that is the best thing for me and the people I am serving.
Remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. He didn't want to die, in fact, He said, "Let this cup pass from Me." Jesus had another desire in His heart, but He chose to lay down His life so we can resurrect with Him. I am so glad He obeyed and sacrificed His life because now we have a new life in Him
6. Love for people
What's the point of serving if loving people is not the priority? We should have people, whom we may not feel like being around, be the center of our love. Let us take our eyes off ourselves and open them to the needs of others.
When you are traveling you may run into hardships, and they will come, but let your love for others remain ablaze. Learn to love people well. Some will forsake you, lie to you, and not treat you harshly. Even if that's the case, make up your mind now that your ministry is to love people no matter the cost.
7. Love for God
Whether you're in Africa, in Asia, Europe, or America's we have one reason to be missionaries. We do it because God loved us first. Let the love of God be the priority of your life and you'll succeed in being a missionary. A true missionary loves God with all His heart, that's why he is serving Him in the first place.
Recently I was talking to a missionary from Kenya. She was complaining about the work she was doing, and I was surprised to hear that from her. Then I asked her a question, "Do you like being a missionary?" She thought about it, then replied to me that she didn't. I thought to myself, "She should not be a missionary if she doesn't like it."
My friends, if you do not like being a missionary then you're in the wrong ministry. The work of the Lord should be a joy to you. You may not like the work itself, it may be hard and tedious, but we are doing it because we love God.
Jesus is worthy of honor and praise. Let me tell you that God doesn't need our missionary endeavors, truly, he can do a much better job spreading the gospel than we can, but He commissioned us the work because He loves us. He wants to honor us as we carry out the work of a missionary to all the world.
In conclusion, I'd like to encourage you to go and to make disciples of Jesus in all nations. The steps include faith, finances, leading of the Holy Spirit, obedience, sacrifice, love for people, and love for God.
I hope the seven steps helped you to make up your mind to serve Jesus for all your life, including surrendering your whole will to Him. It's worth it, fun and exciting. To God be the glory.
I hope you're put to practice these steps while being guided by the Holy Spirit to produce wonderful results in all parts of the world for His kingdom. Let His peace guide you wherever you go.
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