Miracles from Bulgaria 🇧🇬

Bulgaria is a country located in Southeastern Europe with a population of about 7 million people. 1% of the country are protestant believers. Evangelist Paul Maurer http://paulmaurer.org/ invited me to equip the church with evangelism and to revive the church.

We taught 80 youths how to practically evangelize in the streets of Bulgaria. Some of them have never spoken to strangers about their faith before. They took their first steps in reaching the city for Jesus.

This 18-year-old girl had OCD and ADHD for 4 years. She was depressed. When we prayed for mental conditions, she laid her hand on her head and she felt the power of God burst through her body. Later she testified that her mental illness was healed in Jesus’ name! 😭❤️‍🩹She now has peace in her heart and mind.

We later visited a gypsy village and held an open-air meeting. A few testimonies:

  • A boy who was born prematurely and could only see 10%. After praying twice without his glasses the boy could see how many fingers the evangelist held up. He even noticed the details on the fingertips in the dark. The boy started shouting the number of fingers being held up!

  • Ronaldo: for five days had pain in his kidneys and he couldn’t go to work. And in 5 minutes he was healed! He felt he was struck by a heat wave and the pain left. Jesus took His pain away.

We filmed a number of Christian videos to encourage the people in Bulgaria.

During the evening services, we held revival meetings in the local churches and would pray for every person in attendance. This encouraged the individuals to follow Jesus even more closely.

  • The man couldn’t bend his knees without pain. He then testified to the entire church how Jesus healed his knees by demonstrating on stage what he couldn’t do before.

Jesus had done wonderful things during the 1.5 weeks of the Bulgaria trip. I hope to come back soon. I love the people, and their hunger for Jesus is rising.

I’m now on my way to Amsterdam and then to Thailand and Cambodia to minister more of the word of God. I love seeing what the Lord is doing in the nations. Please keep us in prayer for God’s power to be demonstrated even more powerfully than before.

Roman Nechay

Evangelist trained by Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations.


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