Christ for All Nations Is Killing It at Mass Evangelism

There is no better place to serve than Christ for all Nations. The vision, volunteers, and its history scream out “souls!” The vision of Christ for all Nations, also known as CfaN, is hardcore pursuing souls through mass evangelism. I was there witnessing this firsthand, and I can verify that no other ministry is as successful in soulwinning as CfaN. More than 80 million documented decisions were made for Christ through their ministry. If you want to run with the pros, CfaN is the best option, and you will not look back.

In January 2021 I started as a bootcamp student with Christ for all Nations in Orlando, Florida. I didn’t know what to expect. My biggest reason to join their evangelism training program was because it originated with evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. Bonnke inspired me when I watched his videos in Africa of mass gospel crusades with literally millions of people in the audience. Tears streamed down my face as I watched those videos because multitudes all at once were snatched from hell and welcomed into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus was using this man powerfully. The desire stirred in me to reach the lost similarly as Bonnke. We can proclaim the gospel individually, but why not to thousands at the same time?

When I joined bootcamp I instantly felt out of my league. The employees dressed in a business casual style. I came there and realized I missed the memo. I thought we only need business casual for graduation. It was a spirit of excellence that was required, so I adjusted my dress style quickly.

The students were warmly meeting and greeting each other including me. It felt like they practiced on the street before or something. They were nice men and women from all over the world. United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Nigeria, and other parts of the globe.

At the first official class meeting they pressed in that half of us are not going to make it through the program. Super encouraging, right?. No matter, I set my heart to accomplish with flying colors. They were setting us up for success.

Daniel Kolenda is a renowned evangelist known throughout the world, especially Africa, but when he first began to speak it was like he was an older brother to me. He was our friend from the get-go. He introduced to us the vision about the harvest of souls. Kolenda definitely has a broad vision. He is a visionary, and he plans big. "150 million souls in the next decade," he shared with us. That's a big number. No way we could do it alone. We were the next breed of evangelists in this generation that CfaN was going to train and deploy into the harvest field. What an honor it was for me to be included of a history-making event. This was going to be worth it.

CfaN staff then proceeded to explain to us that everything they do is with excellence. It was so engrained in their DNA. Even their soda cans in the kitchen faced with the logo forward. It was no joke that everything had to be done with all of our hearts. Not your typical ministry pep-talk, right? "Everything you do must be with excellence. The way you dress, how you speak, when you serve, do it with excellence." It was a culture thing, a lifestyle to adopt to. I liked the idea. "This should be a daily living habit," I thought.

Further they gathered us all together and began to remind us, "The greatest is a servant of all." They instructed us to be servant leaders. Whether the job was large or small, we should do it unto the Lord. My pride didn't like to be told what to do, especially to serve, but if I was there I was going to obey their orders. Little did I know that it would teach me a bigger lesson than I imagined. "If you see a piece of paper in the classroom pick it up. If you are asked to help, get it done," last years graduates pointed out. Victory over small things eventually leads to soulwinning.

What more can I mention about my time at CfaN bootcamp? There was a mentality that was shaped prior than just winning souls. It was arriving to class on time, honoring the leaders, submitting to authority, serving others. It was cultural forming, and a renewed mindset.

During spiritual formation lab we would sit under the teaching of Eric Gilmour. It was a romance class, but not towards people but towards the Holy Spirit. Then we would meditate at the feet of Jesus. We didn't see His feet, but by faith abide with Him. It was special to hear the teachings and voice of God during our time of meditation.

I liked the part of evangelists instructing us how to preach the gospel. We got down the core of the subject, and it was very practical. Projecting our voices was one thing we learned. I was not used to climbing up a picnic table and screaming at the top of my lungs John 3:16. This shot my ego. I was submerging myself in a new dimension of preaching, one I haven't experienced before. I was being fed practically and spiritually to strengthen me for Africa.

Our initiation trip was to Tanzania, the only African country open for mass crusade gathering during the pandemic. We had about 90 students, plus leaders on the ground of Tanzania. Over 300,000 decisions for Christ were made in those short three weeks.

One year ago I would press in the gospel, and would be lucky to see one person be saved on the street. Now 300,000 people were saved in a blink of an eye. This was definitely the work of the Holy Spirit through CfaN, and an opportunity of a lifetime to be trained by experts. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't see that many people hear the gospel in my existence as a missionary, even if I gave my life up for Jesus. And the best part? Daniel Kolenda and his team shared his tactics, resources, plans, and strategies with us in the the three months we were in bootcamp, and would continue long after we graduated.

After our study completed, and initiation trip was over, I stayed to serve with operation Decapolis team. During Decapolis there was five teams preparing cities for five simultaneous crusades. I experienced the other side of crusade evangelism: preparation and execution. We mobilized churches to participate as volunteers in the crusade, arranged vehicles, prepared the stage, and much more. When CfaN sets their mind on something they get it done. Working with locals was often difficult, but any challenge made us stronger, and our dependence on the Lord had to be firm. The leaders on my team did a wonderful job coordinating the event, and in our city of Morogoro, Tanzania over 11,000 individuals committed to Jesus as a result of the crusade The preparation journey was a success.

God broke the door wide open for us. Since I became a born-again Christian I prayed for thousands of souls to come to Christ. This prayer unwrapped in front of my eyes. It was a floodgate that bust wide open. Can we actually be living in the good old days? Africa is ripe for the gospel. These are greater times than during George Whitefield, John Wesley, Apostle Paul, and Billy Graham. They would long to step on stage and see thousands of souls come to Christ as easy as it was for us. I am not saying it was simple, but much easier than any time in history. Now is the time of salvation indeed.

I am impressed, deeply impacted, and owe my gratitude to Christ for all Nations. Every step of the way they led us, taught us, and helped us to succeed as evangelists. I still would be testing the waters of evangelism if it wasn't for the kindness and openness of Daniel Kolenda. His mentorship will leave a fresh residue upon my soul for years to come.

If you are an evangelist and are thinking about bootcamp then stop thinking. The answer is dangling right in front of your nose. Sign up for the next bootcamp while the window of time is still open. Let not your doubts hinder you from the great amounts of souls you will grab with you into Christ's glorious kingdom.

CfaN is the best place for an evangelist, and the possibilities are endless. There is the heart of God that beats for souls in that place. The name of Jesus will be glorified throughout the earth either with you or without you. It was my pleasure to study at CfaN, and the numbers of documented decisions for Christ will only increase for years to come. Will you be part of it?

To sign up for bootcamp click on this link:

Roman Nechay

Evangelist trained by Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations.


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