“It’s All About Me!”

“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love” (Galatians 5:13, NIV).


It’s a beautiful day, the sun is shining, and I have a day off. Nobody to disturb me, no phone calls I need to take, errands I need to run. The day is all mine, all of it. But is it? Not one person can ruin it for me, not a child, no unexpected alert from a family member, I am the boss of the situation. How many times have you felt like this? What a wonderful feeling, right? 

But there is a twist. I am not in the mood, it seems all the stars are aligned but I am miserable inside. Just devastated, and I can’t seem to figure out why. The temperature is all right, I have no headache, the fever has left me weeks back, I seem to be healthy. What is going on? I feel like crap. 

As I walk around the block I see at construction workers are doing their job. They seem to be enjoying their work more than I am enjoying my vacation. The town seems to be all friendly, and as I walk in the cool of the shade I start reminiscing. What did I do wrong? Is there some sin I have made that is keeping me in this mood? I tried to shake it off for days but nothing seems to help. No amount of contemporary Christian worship seems to be helping. I tried praying, but I can’t seem to pick up my mood. I visited my grandmother who cooked me a tasty dish of Russian dumplings, and they were filled with the freshest strawberries, but they helped me in no way.

It’s been days, and though I am in the best place in the world right now, on vacation, my heart is in turmoil. What an absolute bummer, what is the reason I am feeling like this? 

As I was walking and contemplating all this I stopped completely and looked directly at the tree in front of me. In fact, I imagined Christ right in front of me and I spoke to Him as a friend. Very direct and straight to the point. “Lord, I want to live pure as you are pure and holy as you are holy.” 

As I began to walk on, thoughts flooded my mind. The reason I felt like that, is because I lived completely for myself for the last couple of days, in absolute selfishness. I was only trying to please myself and that is why I was so miserable. The more I tried to make myself happy the less satisfied I became. What a miserable soul I was.

looking out

The Lord answered my prayer. He redirected me to the people that were part of my life in the current situation. Here in Ukraine, I came to my dad’s house to rest and take a vacation, but because all the attention was primarily focused on myself I was not happy. In fact, what made me truly at peace was when I was serving people. This was one of the biggest revelations I received directly from Christ. I am not here to satisfy my needs, but to humble love one another in good works and in deeds. This is the revelation from heaven that I would like to share with you.

Buckle up, this will be a wild ride. If you follow the steps in this book you will be a truly satisfied human being, but if you only read and forget the things you’ve learned then it’s best if you put down the book now and find another activity. This read is for true men and women of faith who are willing to surrender their lives to Christ and live to the fullest. Welcome to “It’s All About Me.”

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Roman Nechay

Evangelist trained by Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations.


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