Her Father Died in the Russia-Ukraine War

A teenage girl Yulia attended one of our youth crusades in a Ukrainian village. Her dad died in the war recently. But instead of mourning, she was so joyful to see us! We took a picture and encouraged her that Jesus loves her. She was very open and asked us to sign her gift - a New Testament. This tragic war is destroying, but Jesus is in the process of restoring His children to Himself. Yulia ended up giving her life to the Lord.

Dear friends, Ukrainians are open and ready to receive Jesus πŸ’™πŸ’› Children are greatly encouraged by the Holy Spirit during the war. One of the pictures is an email πŸ“© I received from a teenager after stopping by their village.

The email πŸ“¨ read:

β€œHello, it's me Oleksandr. I took photo with you at Chervona Dibrova. You are very good man and I'm very glad that you've found some time for coming and visiting us in our little village. I think You do a very good thing! It helps children to understand what is good and what is not good! Thank You so much!
I have read the book you presented for me it's really interesting!”

Then another testimony moved me. A boy named Artem ran up to me at an evening event. Apparently, he was in the audience of our youth crusade a few hours prior. His face was beaming with joy 😊 I asked him what he learned and he replied, "To repent means to turn from sin to Jesus. I can talk to Jesus when I'm walking home." It was all fresh in his memory. His parents mentioned he recorded the entire gospel presentation on his phone and showed them at home. By presenting Jesus we can be a hero to a child like Artem 🦸

It was my dream to conduct youth crusades in the country of my birth πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ ever since evangelism school. By God's grace the past two weeks were a dream come true πŸ€πŸ‘‰ Please keep Ukraine in your prayers, and for these children to grow further in Christ.

Roman Nechay

Evangelist trained by Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations.


Trouble at the Border


Youth Crusades in Africa & Asia