Prophecy, words of knowledge, and healing were evident during our Mexico mission trip.
1. A teenage girl Amy started prophesying to Andrey, one of our boys from church about his calling from God. She told him that Lord had a plan for his life, and he received it by faith.
2. Andrey who received the prophecy was changed in front of our eyes. At the start of the trip, his words were not clean. But then he started to pray for people and even preach to others on the team. Real repentance was proved in him. He decided to stay in Mexico to seek the Lord and to serve in the ministry when we left.
3. 16-year old Yana was praying for a boy on the street. Through words of knowledge, she felt compassion for him. The Lord gave a vision about his life, how he was trying to find pleasure. But pleasure could be only found in Christ. She prayed for the boy and encouraged him.
4. When I asked at service who needed healing to raise their hand, an older woman tried lifting her hand but was struggling in pain. She used her other arm to lift her sick hand with not much success.
After prayer, she testified how Jesus healed her shoulder during prayer. She was fully moving her arms up and down without any problem at all.
All to say that Jesus has done wonders on this trip. The Holy Spirit was poured out mightily on our team.