The Joy of Salvation in Cambodia πŸ‡°πŸ‡­

During our youth crusades, we met a girl who believes in Jesus, but her mother is of a different background. Her mom told her that Jesus isn't real, but the girl still chose to remain a Christian. We visited her province and this 12-year-old spoke to us in clear English. After a few minutes of conversation, she said she never had a friend, started shaking, and cried in our arms. We comforted her and prayed for her, then drove her to her home. At her house, we witnessed to her mom and grandmother about Christ. We see in Asia some are extreme against Christianity, but by faith, the love of God overcomes all hate. The children still choose to believe in Christ even in the face of trials. Pray for Cambodia, and this generation to remain in the Lord. God is β€œnot willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” 2 Peter 3:9.

Literally, thousands of youth heard about the love of God in a little over a month. The numbers from the crusades are as follows.

Cambodia Totals πŸ‡°πŸ‡­
September 9 - October 14, 2022
Outreach days 20
Outreaches 102
Attendance 15,580
Decisions for Christ 10,025
Average decisions for Christ per day 501

On October 17th, I fly out to Ghana as field leader for CfaN. But my heart is so strong for Asia. I hope to be back very soon!

Roman Nechay

Evangelist trained by Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations.


My 2022 in review


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