Miracles in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania!

This child was blind for 7 years. After evangelist Daniel Garcia prayed for the sick Jesus opened his eyes! His sight was completely restored. Watch the testimony video as it happened in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.

Then, Lukas Repert was taking testimonies a man came dancing on stage with a cane in his hand. He told the audience of over 15,000 people that he walked with a cane since 1973. He demonstrated to the entire crowd that Jesus healed him, and he needed the cane no longer.


Over the course of our time in Tanzania literally, thousands received Jesus as their Lord. Just in our first two weeks before the gospel crusades started we witnessed 54,003 decisions for Christ.

Thank you for your prayers and your generous donations. The gospel is truly ripe for harvest! - Roman Nechay

Roman Nechay

Evangelist trained by Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations.


Freedom Will Cost You a Hand and an Eye


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