Get Aggressive Against Sin

Many people today are passive against sin, they think it's not a big deal, and if they try not to think about sin it will magically disappear. This cannot be further from the truth. Sin does not just disappear on its own, and it doesn't vanish into thin air. It's actually worse than we think. Jesus said, "For from within, out of a person’s heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder..." (Mark 7:21). Sin abides, and there's nothing a man can do without the work of the Holy Spirit in a man's heart. We need a changed heart by the grace of God. This is only available by the work of Christ in our place when we receive it by faith. It's a free gift from God, like accepting a glass of water from a friend when we are thirsty. Repentance is also necessary, for we must be willing to turn from sin and unto the Son of God to receive the free gift of salvation.

There's the next question that appears. How are we supposed to live when we are saved? Too many Christians are just accepting the fact that we are in a fallen world and we cannot do anything about it. When the devil attacks us and we think we are powerless. Some think they have no power over the enemy. Jesus thinks the opposite. He confirmed, "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy" (Luke 10:19). He gave us power over the work of the enemy who uses the weapon of lying. "He (the devil) is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44). What does this have to do with us? I'm glad you asked.

Our thoughts, even as believers often run wild, but we have the power to subdue them. We must stand up to the lies of the devil, and not in a sweet and gentle manner as some suppose. We must get violent against Satan, his angels, and sin. This does not necessarily mean to rebuke the devil at 3 a.m. at the top of your lungs. It means to absolutely hate and despise any lie he is throwing against you. Let your lion (or lioness) come out against this beast. It's time to stand up for what is right, true, and holy.

Sin is no longer part of the nature of a Christian, for we have the nature of God in us. We as believers cannot put our hands down and stop fighting the "good fight of faith." We must stand up against lust, pride, the world, and get passionate about it. It has to come from the heart of Christ. Let me remind you, we are not in this fight alone. The Chief of fighters, the Holy Spirit is on our side, and "We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Eph. 6:12).

Every time we get tempted we must get in the devil's face intentionally, rebuke His lies, and flee to Jesus our strong Tower for refuge. In Him is our hiding place after we dismantle every pride and sin. In Christ is where we get filled with the Spirit, then get back into battle. Get ready you warrior.

I used to think that I didn't need to fight and stand up for what's right, but that's not correct. I thought I could relax and God will take care of the rest. Jesus stood up to the devil in the wilderness. He said things contradictory to the words of the evil one with power and authority. It's time we aggressively stood up to those sins that entangled us for so long. Some are addicted to pornography, call themselves Christians, and do nothing about it. Sometimes if they do try to break free, the devil pulls them right back because they are passive about their decision. Some accept fear as part of their lifestyle. Others are now content with mammon being their god. Money is their idol and they carry on as if it's normal. How many are proud in their heart? This has to be destroyed in our lives or it will destroy us.

Jesus died like a sinner so we can be saints. He carried on Him the sins that entangled us for too long. Now we have a job to do. We must not let sin come in between us and God any longer. Make the choice today that by the resurrection power of Christ we will step up to be warriors.


No warrior aimlessly wonders about on the battlefield. That is foolishness. I am still yet to see a soldier in a war that is striding with a gun in his hands through flying bullets. No real soldier at war will take a fight lightly. It's life or death, it's all in or out. There is no in-between. We are servants of Jesus, and He said, "Whoever is not with Me is against Me, and whoever does not gather with Me scatters" (Matt. 12:30). It's time to make a decision and put effort, time, faith, and action into living a pure and holy life as Christ desires. No more passivity.

There might be besetting sins in your life that you tried very hard to get rid of. I'm happy you tried, but let me remind you of the grace of God. We are nothing and He is everything. Jesus is the reason for our strength. Repentance is turning from sin that results in a changed lifestyle, but unless you have strength from the Holy Spirit you cannot keep up this new lifestyle for too long. To receive the Holy Spirit we must simply ask Him to fill us and give us the strength to endure. When He comes upon you, you'll be endued with power from on high. His life will fill you to the brim, and you'll truly be able to say, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13).

Let us not wait for the next temptation to figure out how we will handle it. Let us take on the aggression that God has against sin (not against people) and put it into practice. Let us pray intentionally when the next temptation occurs, let us ask for wisdom from the Holy Spirit from the bottom of our heart, and unite with godly men and women in truth. "Put on the whole armor of God" and fight the good fight of faith. We pray and stand firm on the solid foundation of the word of God that is unshakable that overcomes lust, the flesh, and the world. We are soldiers of Christ, let's start acting like it. Let us kick the devil in the face and turn to Christ to draw strength upon Him. What is one way you practice spiritual warfare?

Roman Nechay

Evangelist trained by Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations.


Miracles in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania!


HUGE testimony in Morogoro, Tanzania