God Literally Gave This Man a New Heart

Ivan Ryakhovskiy, at 18 years old, was diagnosed with heart failure. During a fire drill in his local high school, he found out that he felt a pain in his chest. Ivan's heart quickly failed because of a disease he had developed in his early years. Now the heart was fluttering, and Ivan was in danger for his life.

A machine was eventually attached to his heart to help control his heartbeat. At night he would charge the device, for it would swoosh the blood through his body. As time passed, the heart became worse, and there were no donors out there to replace Ivan's old heart with a new one. Through it all, he trusted Jesus, His Lord, to give him the strength to endure.

One day the doctors said the machine was not strong enough and that they had to install an artificial heart. Otherwise, Ivan would not live any longer. The family started praying. The day before the surgery for the artificial heart, Ivan received news of a replacement heart coming in. Ivan started praying even more earnestly along with his family because this was the only donated heart that came in during that time. The Lord answered their prayers. The heart was a perfect fit, checking off 27 criteria, including age, size, blood type, and more.

The replacement heart was an answer straight from heaven. The surgery was successful, and Ivan woke up the next day with a brand new heart, trusting Jesus through the process. It has been over nine years since the heart replacement, and Ivan is now happily married with two young daughters. He is currently serving as a local bible study leader and loves Jesus passionately with his whole heart.

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Roman Nechay

Evangelist trained by Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations.


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