Pastor Visited by Most Wanted Murder. What Happens Next Will Shock You.

Salvador is a current bishop who plants and oversees nine churches. He was born in Mexico and illegally came to the United States. Once he was in the states, he obtained a good-paying job, making over $22 an hour, but for him, something was missing. He didn't know Christ. On one of the workdays, he had a massive desire to seek God, for his mom was praying for him back in Mexico. At this point, Salvador earnestly began praying. He became a Christian.

Once a believer, God spoke to Salvador to leave the United States and move back to Mexico to serve. At first, Salvador was stubborn and refused to obey. After praying for a few months about the idea, he knew it was the right decision to make. Salvador visited his pastor to share the plan. Instead of supporting Salvador, the pastor scolded him and told its rebellion to move to Mexico. That was far from the truth. The reply of Salvador was simple, "I must obey God."

Salvador moved to Sinaloa, Mexico. One day, a most wanted criminal of the USA and Mexico showed up to murder him. "I have come to kill you?" the man spoke. "For which, one of the favors do you want to kill me," replied Salvador, "You still owe me the money I lent you for your grandpa's surgery." The murderer's countenance changed. "Ok, I will give you time to live." "You're not going to give me time. If you're going to kill me, do it now. God sent me here, and He's the only one who can take me away," Salvador argued.

"How many people have you killed," asked the murderer. Salvador said, "God didn't send me to kill people but to give them life. I am praying for you not to go to hell." Salvador was now crying for this evil man. The murderer left and instead sent some folks to Salvador's church. The murder was never seen again in that village. News spread that the evil man murdered his wife, mother-in-law, and sons. Meanwhile, the Lord kept Salvador safe.

Until this day, Salvador and his family serve in Sinaloa, Mexico, and bring many people to Christ by preaching the word of God. Our missionary team from Light to the World church visits his base at least once a year on Christmas. To watch the full testimony click on the link below.

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Roman Nechay

Evangelist trained by Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations.


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