House Burns Down Right Before Evangelism School

Tiffany Goebel experienced a shocking event two weeks prior to leaving for evangelism school. Tiffany and her family lived in a small town in Cle Elum, Washington. In 2018 is when she was filled with the Holy Spirit and her husband Paul gave his life to the Lord. Not long after they heard of the ministry Christ for all Nations, which hosted a school in Orlando, Florida. She applied and was accepted into a program evangelism bootcamp. It was a Bible college for those who are destined to become generals of faith. Before their big move to Florida, a tragedy struck.

They lived in the same house for many years already, and Tiffany with the family was only a few weeks away from moving. One night as Paul slept over at their parent’s house, which was a block away, Tiffany was alone with the kids. She started smelling smoke from the fireplace. She awoke and figured out the wind was blowing through the chimney onto the fireplace. Tiffany shut closed the top of the chimney to prevent any airflow from the outside. 

Later that night she thought it strange that she smelled fire again. This time Tiffany imagined it was the neighbor’s bonfire, but to her horror, she got up and discovered her house engulfed with flames. Her home was burning down. She quickly grabbed the kids and rushed outside in the snow, then Paul rushed just to watch his house dissolve under the immense heat of the fire. Their house burned down and so did all their belongings. Was this the devil's trick to keep them from going to Florida, or was the Lord telling them to go to the evangelism bootcamp and not look back?

What did the Goebel’s do? They chose to obey the Lord. They left the pacific northwest with a trailer, driving through the states until they finally came to Orlando. Through the evangelism bootcamp, Paul was offered a position with Christ for all Nations to be one of their truck drivers to set up gospel crusades in Africa. Tiffany and the kids moved over to Tanzania, Africa, and after a period of time were serving the Lord together as a family with two kids. Through this process, Tiffany even let go of past offenses and bitterness which was in their heart through all this time. Even though their beloved house burned down, Jesus blessed them in a much greater way! 

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Roman Nechay

Evangelist trained by Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations.


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