We Stand Up Against LGBTQ, Abortion, and Pride

The Bible calls the righteous “bold as a lion” (Proverbs 28:1). A man following Christ has nothing to fear for God is with Him. In the book of Revelation Jesus is the “Lion of the tribe of Judah.” As Christians, we are imitators of God and therefore take on the nature of Christ. Boldness is ingrained in our spiritual DNA.

The world is listening to the devil's voice, while many Christians are sleeping, terrified, or preoccupied with other matters. Yes, I’m addressing those who are consumed by life’s worries and prioritize their own comfort or safety above God.

At the same time, there is another breed of Christians who deflect the darts of the enemy and choose to press into his territory to conquer the land. They are the Elijah’s, the David’s, the Joshua’s of faith. We are not called to sit on our couch wailing over our past, but to step on the head of the snake.

An evangelist friend informed me that he attended an atheist conference to learn why they gathered. It was a conference hall with roughly 300 attendees all aiming towards a common goal. Do you have any idea why they were there? To demolish the Christian’s work. Their main objective was to oppose the believers in every possible way. They planned to institute harsher abortion laws, spread LGBTQ propaganda, and more at the atheist meeting. I was devastated when I heard this.

Our children are being taught in schools that LGBTQ is normal, that homosexual marriage is acceptable, and other nonsense. Listen, my dear friend, are we going to let this slide by or are we going to stand up like John the Baptist and proclaim, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3:2)? John didn’t take the sins of the nation lightly, instead, he reproached the men and women of that day to turn from sin and turn to God.

Where as believers do we stand today? Will we let the devil slide by and poison our children, are we going to let the LGBTQ lay a nest of filthy falsehoods on our heads, or are we going to stand up to denounce their lies and point them to Christ?

It is our country, and I am determined to make a difference. Will you join me in standing out for Jesus's truth? We love all men, but we don't allow them to sin. It's sin in the eyes of God, and it'll wreck the sinner and the country unless we put on the armor of Christ and be brave.

We went to the University of Washington recently to preach the gospel to students on the street. We spoke with approximately 15 persons, one of whom was an atheist, another a witch, and three were LGBTQ. Two of the people who agreed with homosexuality mentioned that they used to go to church and that they agree with the Bible's teachings except for what it says about homosexuality. Listen, my friends, if we believe the Word of God, we either believe all of it or none of it. Jesus taught, “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters'' (Matthew 12:30). 

So, what exactly am I saying? We must oppose evil, or it will spread across the population like a virus. In some cases, it has already crept into churches. Of course, we should rebuke with love and compassion rather than with rage and bitterness, but we must remain anchored in our faith in our Savior and His desire to rescue humanity. Let us resolve right now not to be scared of the public, our leaders, the congregation, homosexuals, and atheists, but declare the entire truth, not just parts of it. Are you going to choose to stand firm in God's truth and be bold as a lion?

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Roman Nechay

Evangelist trained by Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations.


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