Christ Melts Our Hearts Near Coffee Shop
Roman Nechay Roman Nechay

Christ Melts Our Hearts Near Coffee Shop

Alex Zaytsev and I met in Bellevue near a local coffee shop. My desire was to meet with him and share my ministry vision and possibly have him partner financially, but God had other plans. We were friends from church a year before but I hadn’t seen him for a while. As we were talking he began to share his heart with me and open up about his relationship with God. He told me how I was away from God, upset at Him, and at the people at our church.

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Christ for All Nations Is Killing It at Mass Evangelism
Roman Nechay Roman Nechay

Christ for All Nations Is Killing It at Mass Evangelism

There is no better place to serve than Christ for all Nations. The vision, volunteers, and its history scream out “souls!” The vision of Christ for all Nations, also known as CfaN, is hardcore pursuing souls through mass evangelism. I was there witnessing this firsthand, and I can verify that no other ministry is as successful in soulwinning as CfaN. More than 80 million documented decisions were made for Christ through their ministry. If you want to run with the pros, CfaN is the best option, and you will not look back.

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Freedom Will Cost You a Hand and an Eye
Roman Nechay Roman Nechay

Freedom Will Cost You a Hand and an Eye

Maintaining freedom from sin will cost you a big price. It is very expensive to keep the freedom Jesus purchased for us on the cross with His blood. We didn't pay anything to receive our salvation, it is free, but to keep our faith will cost us everything.

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Miracles in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania!
Roman Nechay Roman Nechay

Miracles in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania!

This child was blind for 7 years. After evangelist Daniel Garcia prayed for the sick Jesus opened his eyes! His sight was completely restored. Watch the testimony video as it happened in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.

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Get Aggressive Against Sin
Roman Nechay Roman Nechay

Get Aggressive Against Sin

Many people today are passive against sin, they think it's not a big deal, and if they try not to think about sin it will magically disappear. This cannot be further from the truth. Sin does not just disappear on its own, and it doesn't vanish into thin air. It's actually worse than we think. Jesus said, "For from within, out of a person’s heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder..." (Mark 7:21). Sin abides, and there's nothing a man can do without the work of the Holy Spirit in a man's heart.

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How to Obey God When We Don’t See Results
Roman Nechay Roman Nechay

How to Obey God When We Don’t See Results

We should obey God whether or not we see instant results. We love a nice payoff after hard work, but often we do not experience it for a while when we are in God's will. If we preach the gospel we might not see thousands saved instantly. When we serve in the church, we don't notice a promotion and start to wonder, "Did God send me here?" We pay our tithe and expect a big paycheck to fall straight on our lap. Let me tell you, that's not how the Lord operates. God has a bigger plan than just see you succeed, He wants to form you into the image of Christ.

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Top Christian Biographies That Will Change Your Life
Roman Nechay Roman Nechay

Top Christian Biographies That Will Change Your Life

After the Bible, these are a list of books that shook the core of my being after I read them. If you are a true believer, which I hope you are, these books will shift your perspective and challenge you to live a radical lifestyle for Jesus. These titles are a MUST read for anyone who is of the household of faith. Are you ready for some amazing testimonies?

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7 Steps on How to Become a Missionary
Roman Nechay Roman Nechay

7 Steps on How to Become a Missionary

Have you ever thought about being a missionary? There are a few steps in every missionary's life that they must go through in order to succeed in the work God has called them to. The steps are simple, practical, and are an essential part of being a missionary well-rounded in all areas.

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Stolen Chocolate
Roman Nechay Roman Nechay

Stolen Chocolate

In the article, I'd like to speak to you about penal substitution. You may wonder what that even means. Allow me to explain. The meaning is that Jesus suffered the penalty for mankind's sins instead of us. He took our rightly deserved punishment on Himself so we don't have to pay for our sins ourselves.

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African vs Western Culture
Roman Nechay Roman Nechay

African vs Western Culture

If I may share about the African culture side by side compared with the western culture. I'd like to zoom in on the two sides, especially the mentally. I think it's good for us to understand both aspects, so we get a better understanding of how people think and why they think as they do.

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I Had to Repent for Not Preaching Repentance
Roman Nechay Roman Nechay

I Had to Repent for Not Preaching Repentance

As the instructor went on about repentance I felt an offense rise up in me. I didn't like the fact that the book of John doesn't use the word "repent" anywhere in his gospel, and now we should use it in our gospel messages made me heated inside.

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“It’s All About Me!”
Roman Nechay Roman Nechay

“It’s All About Me!”

It’s a beautiful day, the sun is shining, and I have a day off. Nobody to disturb me, no phone calls I need to take, errands I need to run. The day is all mine, all of it. But is it?

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